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1.)Balance and Foot – Coordination and 2.) Smart-Yoga

David Moore

Workshop mit David Moore (Australien)

1. Balance and Foot Coordination / 2. Smart Yoga

Am Samstag den 17. und Sonntag den 18.8.2024
Liebe Alexander-Interessierte, Kolleg:innen und Student:innen
Ich freue mich Euch mitteilen zu können, dass David Moore das erste Mal zu den genannten Daten nach Hamburg kommt. Angesprochen sind Alexander-Technik-interessierte,A.T.Lehrer:innen und Student:innen im dritten Ausbildungsjahr.
David Moore:
In this practical workshop we will examine and work with everyday walking patterns which can have a dramatic influence on how the forces of gravity work through the feet and whole body for good or ill.
We will also examine alternative methods for alleviating foot dysfunctions including flat arches and bunions. Participants will be introduced to principles of the Alexander technique in order to better understand the direct influence whole body balance and coordination has upon the feet.
This workshop is followed in the afternoon by a Smart Yoga Workshop (the application of the Alexander technique to yoga practice). In this workshop we will also be looking at yoga practices to assist with overall coordination to strengthen and realign the feet.
Die Workshops können einzeln gebucht werden. Eine Einheit: 60.- Euro
David Moore is the Head of Training at the School for F.M. Alexander Studies in Melbourne. He graduated from Australia's first Alexander technique training course in Sydney in 1985. After graduating, he spent some weeks each year for a number of years studying with the late Marjorie Barstow. Since then he has established private practices in New Zealand and Melbourne, run many residential courses in Australia, Italy and New Zealand, and taught classes and intensive workshops in the UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Taiwan, China, Sweden, Czech Republic and the USA. In 1998 he set up an Alexander Technique Teacher Training course which is approved by the Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique. This 1600-hour training course runs over three to four years.

David did many years of yoga practice. He spent over seven years in India and Thailand, including over two years in Thai meditation monasteries, and two years in Madras, studying with TKV Desikachar at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandaram. In Sydney he studied Iyengar yoga for four years with Martin Jackson from 1991 - 1994, including undertaking a teacher training course with Martin in 1994.He is a senior registered teacher with Yoga Australia, He teaches classes applying the Alexander technique to yoga, and is the author of "Smart Yoga: Apply the Alexander Technique to Enhance Your Practice, Prevent Injury, and Increase Body Awareness".
Freitag ab 15.00 Einzelstd.
Samstag: 10.00-13.00 Balance &; Foot-Coordination / 15.00 -18.00 Uhr Smart Yoga
Sonntag: 10.00 – 13.00 Balance &; Foot-Coordination / 15.00 – 18.00 Uhr Einzelstunden
Montag 10.00 - 15.00Uhr Einzelstunden, Kosten 70.- Euro
Anmeldung und Information: ullipawlas@alexandertechnik-hamburg.de
Ulli Pawlas: 040-39 56 56 o.0151-23806556 - www.alexandertechnik-hamburg.de

Kurse für alle
Zeitliches Format
Sa., 17.08.2024 – So., 18.08.2024
10.00 -13.00 und 15.00-18.00Uhr
Alexander-Technik-Schule Hamburg
Straße, Nr.
Hohenesch 68
PLZ / Ort
22765 Hamburg Ottensen
60.- pro Einheit

Anmeldung erforderlich

Anmeldung bei
Ulli Pawlas
zur Übersicht